The New Incentive System began to be applied with the declaration no. 2012/1 concerning the Application of Decision about State Aids in Investments, which announces procedures and principles related to Decision no. 3305 About State Aids in Investments, entering into force on June 15th 2012, and the application of this decision.
The new Incentive System has been created by improving and revising the old incentive system, so that our country can achieve its goals for 2023 (to be one of the world's 10 largest economies, 500 billion $ in exports, 25.000 $ income per capita, to reduce dependence of manufacturing on exports and to meet amendment demands of private sector organizations and investors. In addition to this, the 4- stage regional map, used in 2009 was abandoned and according to the development levels of provinces; a new 6-stage regional map, which is based on The Order of Socio-economic Development of Provinces Study (2011) was prepared. Hatay, which is among the provinces of TR63 Region, is in the 4th place on this map.
Regional Distribution of The Provinces |
Region 1 |
Region 2 |
Region 3 |
Region 4 |
Region 5 |
Region 6 |
Ankara |
Adana |
Balıkesir |
Afyonkarahisar |
Adıyaman |
Ağrı |
Antalya |
Aydın |
Bilecik |
Amasya |
Aksaray |
Ardahan |
Bursa |
Bolu |
Burdur |
Artvin |
Bayburt |
Batman |
Eskişehir |
Çanakkale |
Gaziantep |
Bartın |
Çankırı |
Bingöl |
İstanbul |
Denizli |
Karabük |
Çorum |
Erzurum |
Bitlis |
İzmir |
Edirne |
Karaman |
Düzce |
Giresun |
Diyarbakır |
Kocaeli |
Isparta |
Manisa |
Elazığ |
Gümüşhane |
Hakkâri |
Muğla |
Kayseri |
Mersin |
Erzincan |
Kahramanmaraş |
Iğdır |
Kırklareli |
Samsun |
Hatay |
Kilis |
Kars |
Konya |
Trabzon |
Kastamonu |
Niğde |
Mardin |
Sakarya |
Uşak |
Kırıkkale |
Ordu |
Muş |
Tekirdağ |
Zonguldak |
Kırşehir |
Osmaniye |
Siirt |
Yalova |
Kütahya |
Sinop |
Şanlıurfa |
Malatya |
Tokat |
Şırnak |
Nevşehir |
Tunceli |
Van |
Rize |
Yozgat |
Sivas |
The new Incentive System, from which the provinces in the 6th zone benefit the most advantageous support elements, consists of 4 different applications:
With the General Incentive System investments which are not among the investment issues (Decision-Annex 4) not to be promoted and meet minimum investment requirements (investments amounting to 1 million TL in the 1st and 2nd zones and over 500 thousand TL in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th zones) benefit from VAT and customs duty exemption without region exception.
In Regional Incentive Applications, If they meet the terms of fixed investment amounts (Decision Annex 2), sectors selected from provinces will benefit from such support as;
Investment issues specified in Decision Annex-3 and which meet the requirements of minimum amount of fixed investment are characterized as large-scale investments and can benefit from supports such as
Investments, concerning the manufacture of products with high imports dependence, providing that they meet all of the requirements in Article 8, are referred to as strategic investments and can benefit from such supports:
An investment of approximately 10 billion TL was made with the 547 projects filing Incentive Application between 2009 and 2012 in the TR63 Region.
An investment of 1 billion and 600 million TL was made in the first 6 months of 2012 with 62 projects and 2 billion 430 million TL's worth of investments were made from June and in the 6-month period after the entry into force of the New Incentive System with 105 projects. Number of applications for the Incentive Certificate increased by 66%, compared to the first 6 months of 2012 in our region and the amount of fixed investment increased by 52%. Compared to the same periods, number of people expected to be employed has increased by 185% and become 3.494.
An Example of Incentive Certificate Application
Let's assume that a company in the furniture sector will make an investment as in the figure below and employ 20 people.
Land Expenses : 400 Thousand TL
Building-Construction Expenses : 300 Thousand TL
Machinery- Equipment Expenses : 200 Thousand TL
Total of Other Investment Expenditures : 100 Thousand TL
The Amount of Total Investment : TRY 1 Million
Because the said investment exceeds 1 million TL, it is entitled to benefit from regional incentive applications.
In this case;
For detailed information, please visit the web site ( of the Ministry of Economy.